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1 testimonies found related to Una oracion pequeña y un milagro grande
Created by Cristian
On Feb-03-2014
Healing testimony
Una oracion pequeña y un milagro grande
Para Valentina, el día comienza temprano, cuando le ayuda a su papá a cuidar de su yegua. Aunque a veces le da un poco de miedo, su principal temor es la seguridad de su papá....

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Abused and manipulated by people that he trusted most, Rafael Saracual was a broken man. Could he find the power to forgive those who had hurt him?...
Matt and Tiffany McClain took the "Share the Prayer" challenge and have seen the positive results of their prayers. Now they are expecting a child....
Created by Cristian
On Feb-14-2011
A Supernatural Migraine Remedy
Nina's migraines grew worse over time, but they were no match for the power of God....
In what many people would have said was the worst time to start a business, Nichole Bento opened her beauty salon. With no promise for success, she took out a business loan and made one other key investment that helped her business not only....
For more than two decades Christine was a prisoner of epilepsy and grand mal seizures, then she was set free when she heard a word of knowledge prayer on The 700 Club....
Created by Cristian
On Sep-02-2011
Dying Mom Delivers Miracle Baby
At 37 weeks pregnant Treva was faced with an emergency C-section when everything started going wrong....
Professional soccer player Marvin Andrew's career was on the line. With every injury thrown his way, surgery was never an option. He believed God for healing....
“I was so –I was so junked up with chemicals, man, that I didn’t know what feelings was.” Says Houston Jared, “Dope told me when to go to sleep. Alcohol told me when to go to bed. Alcohol told me when to wake up. Drugs told me when to steal...




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